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UN Trust Fund

Platform Development | Implementation | Product Design | Platform Launch 



Ali Akbar Sahiwala | Maxine Morris | Hansel Noriega | Kara Schlindwein | Sirin Sungkobol

End Violence Against Woman

The UN Trust Fund To End Violence Against Women (UN Trust Fund) is a leading global grant-making mechanism exclusively dedicated to addressing violence against women and girls in all its forms.


The UN Trust Fund works with non-governmental organizations, governments, and UN country teams to:






  • Prevent violence against women and girls

  • Expand the access of women and girl survivors of violence to services

  • Strengthen the implementation of laws

Project Brief

Propose a new system that can automate grant scholarship information by collecting, reviewing and managing applicant data. 


Client Impact

The successful launch of the new UN Trust Fund grant application and approval web interface will support the UN Trust Fund grant-making process as aligned with the UN Millennium Developmental Goals as it will reduce redundancies in work process for employees, eliminates paper waste and contributes to effective collaboration by improving data organization of applicant information resulting in program and financial efficiency.


AppLink will expand access to grassroots organizations who seek funding for local initiatives, rather than having change enacted in their communities by external NGOs.



The New System Will:

Increase access to UN web portal

Decrease number

of incomplete

Reduce application

review time

Key Audience








   Since its creation, the UN Trust Fund has awarded USD 116 million to 426 initiatives in 136 countries and territories. Current portfolio consists of 111 grants in 76 countries and territories totalling USD 57 million.

 - UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women , 2010

Project Goals
  • App Link will encourage communication between UN Trust Fund staff reviewers and external reviewers on advisory committee

  • Enable efficient tracking of grantee project success and implementation

  • Improving access to grants for grassroots organizations will enable local

  • Allow communities in developing countries to access funding for their own initiatives to end violence against women, rather than having change enacted in their communities by external NGOs

Project Phases
Phase 1: AUDIT
  • Design Audit

  • Preliminary report

  • Project specifications

  • Identify metrics for success

Phase 2: DESIGN
  • Draft form content and tutorial documents

  • Translate documents

  • Legal review: contract

  • Contract with vendor

Phase 3: DELIVER
  • Customize platform

  • Beta testing

  • UN staff training

  • Web platform launch

  • Evaluate success

Campaign Ad Development | Implementation | Product and Service Design | Social Media Platform  | UX Experience



Rabia Dilara Cumhur | Chinedu Maduagwu 

Hansel Noriega | Reshma Ramrattan is an crowdsourced online music platform that allow users to sync their digital streaming sources into one single medium and help build a globally accessible online music library. The company's mission is to provide users a seamless and unique experience in discovering, sharing and collecting their music.'s company objectives

  • To expand in the U.S. market and develop better monetization strategies through affiliations

  • To raise awareness by reaching more users, targeting millennials to establish’s presence in digital music streaming market

Project Brief

Develop a strategic marketing plan for product and services. Recommend a viable solution to enhance the user music experience by improving the usability and engagement to the platform.


Client Impact

The marketing plan for is aimed to explore new territories in the U.S market. Growth strategy will allow the company to progress in the industry and define the market for the next two years. 


The company will build business relationships with partners and boost our music library that can be accessible across multiple platforms and eventually convert free users to paid subscribers with unique features, extended music content and services. Two new campaigns will the brand on creating emotional connections with listeners.


Where Are They Now?

Beta platform

Few partnerships

15K Users

How To Get


Boost active listening hours

Expand users & partnerships

Where Do They Want To Be?

Improve monetization

Increase market concentration

Lead music platform



IFPI Digital Music Report 2013


$4.2B digital music market (2008)


Industry expected to generate $49B revenue from streaming services only

Digital Music Market


In 2013, music streaming services generated $5.9B revenue

Collects Music From Multiple Platforms

Keeps Track of User Music & Share Songs

Verified Artist Fan Pages

Artist Branded Playlists

Raised $2M in Funding

Music Streaming Platform

Create and Share Playlist

Strategic Framework 













Value Creation


Increased listening hour

Better recognition


B2B: Business Partners & Music Studios

Expanding partnerships with strong potential music studios

Special insider performances that can allow subscribers first glance on new music content

Expand their user base and exposure to independent artist

KPIs & Success Measurements

B2B: Business Partners & Music Studios

Accelerated growth rate and engaged users

Increase in percentage payout shares from partnerships

Tracking responses from campaigns

B2C: Social Media Campaigns

Curated content via social media campaigns will create awareness and engagement

B2C: Millennials in the United States

Total listening hours

Weekly user growth rate (>10%) 

Login conversion rate

Conversion to active users


Social Media Campaign #1


Social Media Campaign #2

   Throwback Music

Resonate music selection with popular moods. Focus music content to connect with audience emotionally to drive engagement.

Develop advertisement campaigns based on moods.

Dates & Rollout

Campaign Ad Development | Implementation | Product and Service Design | Technology Licensing  | User Experience



Sophia Yuhua Lu | Hansel Noriega | Liu Yangzi


Enhance the quality of life for the visually impaired community, one step at a time. There are more than 7 million people in the United States reported to have visual disability. Visual disability is mostly common with adults as opposed to the younger people. The disability limits achieving higher education with the majority of the population having a high school diploma or GED (32.3%) as the highest form of education, while 11.9% receive college education (American Community Survey 2012). On average between the ages of 21-64, annual income earnings are of $32,300, while 31.2% of the population are living below the poverty line. For working adults who report a deteriorating vision loss, only 37.7% were employed in 2012.


HiView objectives:

  • Increase social awareness

  • Inspire and generate conversation

  • Get attention from retailers, the end customer group and their family or friends

Project Brief

Create a product development strategy that address visually impaired members of the community with a viable product or service. Simultaneously, raise social consciousness for needs of the community.

Client Impact

Our partnership will consist of research teams, medical community and product manufactures across the United States that will aim for brand awareness along with the development of technological advances. Most customers are not aware of the many options available. However, our brand aims to stand apart from other manufactures with the research behind the product development, usability, haptic technology and user-centered design. HiView intends to channel our relationships with the end consumer by associating with foundations that help enhance quality of life for individuals with poor eyesight or vision impairment. 


Enhance daily life for a person that has a disability


Feel part of the surrounding community

Canes are limited in range. Visionary impaired tend to trip over obstacles that are not typically detected


Users want to know as much as they can around their environment

Target Audience


Our Solution

Sense visuals through vibration

A pair of glasses with a mounted camera

Two vibrations bands on each wrist

Product Design
How Does it Work?

Three general rules that allow vibration mapping occur

Potential Partnership

Research Teams

Medical Product


Medical Community

Business Strategy

License technology

  • Acufocus

  • The Society of Accessible Travel & Hospitality

  • Royal London Society for the Blind

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